B and F Auction Service LLC
DBA: Western Heritage Land & Home Co
Broker/Owner: John Freeman 918-421-9680 Sales Associates: Monte and Tricia McGuire 405-590-2927
Commercial Lot- McAlester Oklahoma
Upon entering McAlester you will find this corner lot on the Southwest corner of A street and Carl Albert(US 270). It is an excellent location for a convenient store or just about any retail establishment.
Call John Freeman 918-421-9680
3 suite office building on busy US 270 in Krebbs Oklahoma at entrance to McAlester. Recently remodeled and ready for occupancy.It is 1400 s f. at $10 per square foot this is a very inexpensive building. Excellent location
Call John Freeman 918-421-9680
Great opportunity!
64 Acres along Hwy 270 Edge of McAlester Ok
McAlester Oklahoma on Highway 69 business route- Main Street
4 Lots located in area of several successful businesses.
Beautiful Shaded Lot to build on in nice neighborhood. Former family home burned.
McAlester Oklahoma
Highway frontage! Busy 177 just south of Stillwater city limits 1 mile!
62 acres mol!
Development - Commercial or Residential
*Stillwater Oklahoma development property*
Excellent opportunity on this property for commercial and residential development!! Rural water available to bring into the property all along the highway! Divide into 1/2 acres to 1 acre lots of however you dream up! Or turn it into commercial properties! 1 mile out of city limits
Monte and Tricia McGuire
Sales and Brokers Associates
B and F Auction Service LLC